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Pupsicles – Wednesdays with Laura

When temperatures reach the 80s and 90s, we can grab an ice-cold beverage or an ice pop to provide temporary relief from the heat. But, what about our canine friends? What refreshing treats can we share with them? It’s tempting to give dogs regular popsicles or other ice cream treats, but most of these contain artificial flavorings and sugars that are unhealthy for dogs. However, there are an abundance of holistic alternatives that can be made right in your home! 

This past weekend, as the temperatures reached the mid-80s, Adrian discovered a great pupsicle recipe to help keep Benny refreshed and energetic in the hot weather. The recipe (see below) contains ingredients that are safe for your dog or pup, tasty and easy to find around your home. As you can tell from the photos, Benny absolutely loved his holistic pupsicles—I almost ate one! 


Ingredients (for 3 dozen treats)

2 mashed bananas

1 c. strawberries (fresh or frozen)

1 c. organic apple juice

2 c. yogurt (plain or vanilla)


Puree all ingredients in a blender.

Pour into ice cube trays or small plastic cups and freeze for one hour or more, depending on the temperature setting.

Thaw just so slightly before serving.

Note: The apple juice can be substituted with a jar of baby food (any fruit flavor) because it has great nutritional value and is easy to digest. Just be sure to use an organic brand with no added sugars of preservatives. 



This past week we came across this great Eco-Dog Kit. The kit shows you how to cut back on using dog products that contain household chemicals. It features instructions, ingredients, and bottles/jars that make it easy to make these eco-friendly products including a 100% natural Flea and Bug Spray. Wow! Your dog and the earth will definitely appreciate these new eco-friendly products.  

Have a great rest of the week!


Dog Photographer – Nashville, TN
Adrian Hitt Photography

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Melanie Watson - April 29, 2009 - 4:26 pm

Wow… that sounds tasty… even to me! haha. I will have to give it a try for Lucy. Thanks for sharing! :)

mary crow - April 29, 2009 - 4:45 pm

yummy and thanks for that link!

Sara - April 29, 2009 - 9:27 pm

I’ll definitely be making these for Molly this summer! Thanks for sharing the recipe!!!

Emily Beaty - May 1, 2009 - 8:32 am

mmmm, thanks for the recipe! our pup will love that.

Carol - May 5, 2009 - 2:20 pm

Thanks for that! We had been buying Frosty Paws for our next door neighbor’s dogs (the basset comes over and barks for treats) but this will definitely work, and it’s probably cheaper!

Lou Horner - June 29, 2010 - 11:41 pm

What a fab shot! Yea I’m artist too, a painter …cool perspective dear!

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